Official PayPal Seal Lalita Cofer Caribbean & Tropical painting, Carribbean paintings, paintings of the Caribbean, Tropical painting and prints, print of the Caribbean Caribbean & Tropical paintings & prints by Lalita Cofer
Larger prints are available on paper and on canvas, please email your size request, or questions. All rights reserved Lalita Lyon Cofer Copyright 2020
Caribbean & Tropical Gallery of Fine Art Prints
Lalita Lyon Cofer paints the Caribbean
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Your print purchase from is "No Worries Mon, Be Happy!". 
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Please note:  all prints fit a ready made standard 11x14" frame but I recommend a ready made standard size frame with a mat, outside frame dimension 16x20 and the mat window to fit 11x14 art print.
Ready made standard size frames can be purchased at a reasonable price from crafts stores.